The 2005 Control of Noise at Work Regulations place a legal requirement on employers to protect employees by eliminating or controlling noise risks. Silent Site noise reduction products (our acoustic barriers) can help you reduce noise by up to 35dB. The range of temporary acoustic panels, blankets, quilts and barriers are available in different sizes, all designed to help you control and reduce nusiance noise.
Our single size curtain provides the maximum flexibility for use, the reinforced eyelets make the section easy to attach to temporary fencing or enclosed structures
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Our 1.8m size blanket provides flexibility for use, the reinforced eyelets make the section easy to attach to temporary fencing or enclosed structures, providing a compact solution for using acoustic barriers.
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Our 3.6m size quilt spans the widest area, making it the most economical for use for an acoustic system, the reinforced eyelets make the section easy to attach to temporary fencing or enclosed structures.
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